Volunteers Needed
Open Volunteering Positions
Current Volunteer Needs:
*Spirit night coordinator- these are fundraising opportunities partnering with local businesses such as Panera, Freddies, etc. The coordinator would be in contact with the local business to pick dates that work best and help us get the word out to our Hiawatha families.
* Cougar Challenge- this is our biggest fundraiser of the year! Specific tasks we would need volunteer help for would include but not be limited to:
-event planning
-money counter/collector
-business solicitor for monitor business donations/sponsorships
*Planner label maker- PTO/school would provide labels/ink and the volunteer to print and deliver to teachers for students to place in their planners to help advertise upcoming events.
*Fall Fest- tentatively set up October 26th. Trunk or treat style fall party in the school parking lot. Need volunteers for event planning.
*Conference Meal Coordination: looking for 2-3 volunteers to plan meals for 2 conference nights in October. Including seeking volunteers via signup genius to donate items.
If interested in any of the listed opportunities please email secretary@hiawathapto.org
Upcoming Events
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